Game: Overly Fragile Relationships

Play it here.
A game about the transience of human relationships.
We made it for Ludum Dare 46, whose theme was “Keep it alive”. Here’s the game’s LD page. Definitely our most unique game to date, it’s a puzzle/sandbox friendship simulator thing. The other games we did (up to February 2022) mostly “just” put a twist on an established genre, but this one is harder to classify.
Judging from the responses to the game, I think we could’ve done a better job communicating to the player what’s going on and hinting to them what things to try out.
Fun fact: The title is a nod to a Czech soap opera.
- Petr (backend heavy-lifting)
- Vašek (jack of all trades)
- Vojta (story writer)
- Bětka (dubber, artist)
- Vilda (structure, frontend)