Large game: Impromptu

Impromptu is a game I’ve been working on with a few friends since September 2022, shortly after Stable Diffusion was released.

It’s a guessing party game where you generate images using an AI and try to trick others.

Each round, one player comes up with a secret prompt describing an image, like kiwi pizza. Then, the AI generates an image based on this prompt. The other players then propose their own fake prompt: a text that looks like something that would generate this image. Then we add in the secret real prompt and shuffle all prompts together. Now everyone has to guess: which prompt is the real one?

You get points if you guess the real prompt correctly, but also if you tricked others into thinking your prompt was the real one. Collect the most points to win!

Impromptu banner

Impromptu started with a simple demo I did for with some friends to try out the game. During the demo, the player whose turn it was had to come to the laptop and type in a prompt into a command-line interface to generate the image. The players would then write their fake prompts on pieces of paper and hand them over to the game master, who manually shuffled the prompts and kept track of the score.

We’ve done a lot since then!
